You can use link below to booking a video call with our people:
link for booking: Booking With Tecnohealth company (please describe and or choose single step in this module)
For our Foreign Customer - Supplier and / or Forwarder:
our office and warehouse are open and receive goods from Monday to Friday
from 09,00 am to 12,00 am. In the afternoon our warehouse is closed and not receive goods or delivery.
Saturday to Sunday we are closed
For many information please send us an email at info(at)
Our Address is:
Tecnohealth srl
Via Robert Koch, 61/A - 43123 Pilastrello Parma
fax +39 0521 642193 info(at)
Our Company is ISO 9001:2015 certificate for sales and post sales service. here you can see our ISO 9001:2015 certificate